
TINCTURES When working with herbal wellness, usually you are trying to extract the constituents from the herb to be able to use in your preparations. This is done by using a menstruum, or solvent. Solvents can include water, oil, vinegar, alcohol, or glycerine. When making a tea, you are adding herbs and water together. The … Read more

Purple Deadnettle

SPRING is in the air when purple deadnettle starts popping up here in Kentucky! I get so excited when I see signs of these petite purple flowers in my yard because it means the beginning of backyard herb harvesting season for me.🥰 First comes deadnettle, then dandelions, chickweed, honeysuckle…and it just keeps going. AHHHHHHHH I … Read more


TEPACHE You guys know I’m all about finding a way to utilize every part of anything I am preparing. Eggshells for calcium carbonate, bones and chicken feet for broth, deer skins for leather, orange peels for vitamin C powder etc. I really hate throwing away anything. If I can repurpose it and use it for … Read more

Bentonite Clay

BENTONITE CLAY!!!! What’s so great about this clay? How does it help detox? Why do I use it in some of my products? Well let me tell you ????? This clay is aged volcanic ash! It has a high concentration of important minerals for your body including silica, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and sodium. But … Read more

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Lotion Bar

It’s getting that time of year where it’s cold and your skin needs some extra lovin’, and some extra moisture. Cue these amazing lotion bars. ? Peppermint Hot chocolate. These things smell so amazing that my little babe picked it off the table and tried to eat it like a cookie. Good thing I know … Read more

Winter Balm

FRANKINCENSE AND CINNAMON WINTER BALM I’m totally freaking over this one right now. In the colder winter months, my skin can get so dry, chapped and cold, especially when I’m working outside. I was looking for something to make that would just make me feel so cozy warm, and have genuinely moisturized skin. Then I … Read more

Peppermint Sage Steam

PEPPERMINT SAGE STEAM Never underestimate the value of steam like I once had. I used to laugh at my husband when he would walk into the kitchen with a towel over his head, and I knew the steaming was about to come out to play. I tried it once to see what all the fuss … Read more

Honey Fermented Cranberries

CRANBERRY SEASON IS HERE!!! ??? I get so excited when I see cranberries in the store because it means the holidays are almost here. ?I always snatch up a few bags to help me last through the whole year because otherwise, you can’t find them fresh anywhere. So I got this recipe together so you … Read more

Pumpkin Seeds

FLAVORED PUMPKIN SEEDS Oh yes! You have to save the seeds! And these sweet and savory homemade flavors are exactly why! These seeds can be added to salads, trail mixes, granola, veggies, or eaten plain by the handful! If you are already baking pumpkins, take the extra step and try this out! HOW TO COOK … Read more

Homemade Play-Dough

HOMEMADE PLAY-DOUGH Have any of you guys made your own play-dough from scratch at home? Let’s be honest….does any mom really ENJOY when their kids pull this out to mush all over their tables, have little bitty pieces fall on the floor, somehow make their way to the carpet, and get molded into the fibers, … Read more